Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Production: Facial Rig

And to top it off, a face rig using posemorphs and driven keys...

Production-Texturing Vargas: first pass

So after one crappy blown out zbrush mesh imported into C4d. This is a first bodypaint bump and color painting with procedural layered shaders on top. Slight fresnel on the luminance channel to get a softer feel to the cloth as well as a stronger rim light, and sss on the skin w color mapping only. Hair is dynamic.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pre-Production: Environment

Pre-Production: Designs

Pre-Production: Designs

Hello world!

Senor Vargas is an animated comedy short by Mike Liu currently beginning production. It is about an optimistic man, we sings on the streets of the city. Although he looks on the bright side of things, Senor Vargas is lonely...until one day fate brings him a new best friend. I hope to finish by sometime next year. In the meanwhile, I'll be updating this blog with progress. Enjoy! -M